Detroit: Become Human Survey Proves Most Players Would Have Android Relations

The PS4 Exclusive Game Proves Futuramaโ€™s Theory, More or Less

Detroit: Become Human is the next step in interactive storytelling from French developer Quantic Dream. Available now, the game sits at a 7.9 on Metacritic score and an even higher user score of 8.6. While it offers a dose of escapism with its photorealistic and captivating story set in the future, some aspects deliberately hearken back to reality. Take this survey for instance.

Detroit: Become Human Reveal Top Screen

Upon oneโ€™s logging in, Detroit: Become Human asks players if theyโ€™re willing to partake in a survey. Questions are personal and pertain to the belief in God, technology, and outlook for the future. One question specifically asks, โ€œWould you consider having a relationship with an android that looks like a human?โ€ Results are tallied at the end in the form of percentages. At the time of this writing, 67% of users answered yes to the question.

Granted, the survey doesnโ€™t specify what kind of โ€œrelationshipโ€ humans are willing to share with androids. However, it seems director David Cage and the team predicted this outcome. If you have played Detroit: Become Human (no spoilers), there are magazines that offer context to the setting. According to these in-game easter eggs, most humans in the future are romantically involved with androids. There is even a tongue-and-cheek piece about the decline of birthrates.

Hereโ€™s a look at the survey in question, posted by CramGaming

What are your thoughts on the Detroit: Become Human survey results? Have you played the game? Let us know your takeaway in the comments below. And if you havenโ€™t done so already, check out our review of the PS4 exclusive.

Happy gaming.