SuperLeagueTV Has Launched On Twitch

Get Your Fill of Authentic Competitive Gameplay Footage

Super League Gaming has debuted a new digital channel! SuperLeagueTV is both chock-full of gameplay footage and like, other original content. Also itโ€™s out right now! Right this second, SLTV has launched on Twitch. If youโ€™re looking for a place to watch people fight in the glorious arena of video game combat, this is now one of the places to do so.


There will be League of Legends and Minecraft events, along with other, also competitive games. The channel even has a couple of Alex(s) for commentary and play-by-play (among other, non-Alex commentators). Youโ€™ve got play-by-play from Alexander โ€œOpalโ€ Archumbault, and color commentary by Alex โ€œMad_Magicalโ€ Whieldon.

One focus of the channel will be amateur competitors. This means players just starting out will be showcased, people looking to make the leap from amateur to professional. Youโ€™ll see a lot of people making their start in the competitive gaming scene. Between this and the gobs and gobs of events, SuperLeagueTV looks like itโ€™s the place to be if youโ€™re hoping to soak up a constant stream of competitive gaming. You can follow the channel here on Twitch for all the relevant details.

SOURCE: Press Release