Sea of Thieves Beta Datamining Reveals Ship Customization, Harpoons and a Deadly Kraken

Sea of Thieves Beta Datamining Confirms Some Details and Uncovers New Ones

The Sea of Thieves Closed Beta is in full swing on Xbox One and ends on January 31st, so you still have plenty of time to jump in. The Closed Beta is only a slice of the full game as Rare is hoping to save some surprises for launch on March 20th. If youโ€™ve been playing the game youโ€™ve likely come up with a wish list of things youโ€™d like to see in the game. Today, we learned that a redditor named m4rx did some actual digging around in the game files and extracted a bit of information. While m4rx hasnโ€™t been able to decrypt the actual assets yet, the resulting post appears to confirm some elements we saw in some of the gameโ€™s trailers.

The Kraken is clearly one of the most intriguing aspects of the game, so that is a good place to start. In the extracted game files, under the heading โ€˜Prototypeโ€™, there is a list of animations (also prototype) for the Kraken including holding the player (presumably in its tentacles), ingesting the player, โ€˜spitplayerโ€™ (presumably spitting them out, not necessarily spitting on them), and something called โ€˜waterdunkโ€™ which is presumably just what it sounds like. There are also several animations related to sucking something, which could be the Kraken sucking the players into its mouth. Or using its suction-cupped tentacles. Have a look:

Ship customization is also detailed a bit. The files indicate youโ€™ll be able to customize the cannons, the capstan (the apparatus that lets you haul in your anchor), livery, mast, and captainโ€™s wheel. Additionally, under โ€˜Ship Miscโ€™ a harpoon gun is listed. This is pretty cool when you think about all the things you could use it for, like hunting sharks or fighting the Kraken. 

Also of note, mermaids, which appear in the beta when your ship sinks (or you fall off and drift far enough away) to spirit you back to your friends or a new ship, is apparently listed as an enemy along with the Kraken and skeletons. And, when it comes to food, coconuts, pineapples, and pomegranates will be joining the noble banana.

Of course, none of this is necessarily in the final game, and the list doesnโ€™t necessarily represent the full contents of the final game. But it does give us a general idea of what to expect.

The closed beta has been extended for two extra days and will now end on Wednesday, January 31.