Wolfenstein II Takes Shot at Trump and White Nationalists With One Savage Tweet

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Calls Out Trump and Racists

Considering the current political climate in the United States, many people feel that Machine Games’ Wolfenstein II is hitting a little too close to home with its anti-Nazi propaganda. However, the message behind the franchise has been consistent throughout the years. The only thing that’s changed is the world. Bethesda has never shied away from controversy with its previous Wolfenstein games and they won’t stop now. Yesterday, the company released a brief new trailer for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus via a tweet and needless to say it’s caused quite a stir.

Wolfenstein II Full Reveal Trailer wolfenstein the new order

As you can see from the tweet below, the new trailer ties in messages from recent events into the game’s alternate storyline. The tweet says: “These are not fine people.” This references Donald Trump’s statements following the clashes in Charlottesville earlier in the year, between White Nationalists and other protestors. Trump even called the racists “very fine people,” and that’s something the tweet points out. Check out the tweet:

The trailer doesn’t stop there, taking yet another shot at Trump. It starts in with the “Not my America” message after villainess Irene Engel appears to address the crowd, and then it settles with “Make America Nazi-Free Again,” complete with the Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus logo in the left corner and the release date featured right below the message. You can see it all in the trailer embedded in the tweet above.

While a number of people have taken objection to these ads for saying Bethesda’s going a bit too heavy on the anti-Nazi message, many fans have been supportive – and have also pointed out that the publisher has been doing this stuff in Wolfenstein games for the past few years.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus releases on October 27th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC, and will release early next year for Nintendo Switch.