Anime Expo 2017 Delivered Some Sizzling and Immaculate Cosplay

Anime Expo 2017 Cosplayers Did Not Disappoint 

Welcome back to our weekend cosplay feature. If you have been following us, you know that every weekend we try to share with you some amazing cosplay from around the globe. Whether it is some stunning cosplay from the โ€œQueen of Cosplayโ€ herself, Jessica Nigri or some crazy hot NieR Automata cosplay or some NSFW cosplay from a horny goat woman, we do our best to find you the best cosplays from the best cosplayers around the world. Last week, COGconnnectedโ€™s very own Crystal headed down to the Anime Expo iand managed to snap some pics of some killer costumes. Check out her first pic:

Anime Expo Cosplay 1

Amazing to see the effort and level of detail that is put into the cosplay outfits. Letโ€™s check out some more pics:

Anime Expo Cosplay 2

Anime Expo Cosplay 3