Heads Up! Detroit: Become Human Will Arrive next Year

After All This Time, It Has to Be Worth the Wait

The long-awaited AAA title from Quantic Dream, Detroit: Become Human, has seen coverage in three E3โ€™s thus far. This year, they showcased a new story trailer and, once again, ended it without a release date. However, in a recent interview with GameSpot, Director David Cage confirmed the game is coming in 2018.

Detroit: Become Human Top Screen

Obviously, the creators of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls have been taking their sweet time with this one. A release date seems overdue. Thankfully, in a completely low-key reveal, Cage said: โ€œItโ€™s going to be next year.โ€

Since Detroit: Become Human was part of Sony E3โ€™s 2017 sizzle reel, many believed it would arrive this year. Sonyโ€™s President of World Wide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, went ahead and cleared things up, saying it was a mistake.

Detroit: Become Human will follow Quantic Dreamโ€™s trademark gameplay of dynamic player choice. With a heavy focus on story, players will decide one of many, many plot outcomes and story points in a new futuristic setting. Ultimately, the point is to let players guide the narrative like no other title. With thousands of possibilities, replayability is king. Not to mention it provides an emotional rollercoaster ride.

You can go more in-depth with our hands-on impression from E3 2017. While the PS4 exclusive now has a 2018 release window, weโ€™re still waiting on a concrete date. Before then, let us know your anticipation levels for Detroit: Become Human. Comment down below.