Our Next Heroine in a Growing Roster of Interesting Characters
Another character added to the ever-growing roster of Injustice 2; allegedly, the biggest roster yet. Today we’re getting Black Canary, the loudest femme fatale of the DC Universe, literally. This latest footage comes via IGN First, probably because they got it first. See what the loud-mouthed hero can do in the showcase below:
Prospective players may know the screaming martial-artist through any number of mediums. She represents one of DC’s earliest heroines going all the way back to the 40s. But many who haven’t read the comics may know her through the hit show Arrow, where she debuted as a deadly vigilante. Or, you might know her through the much-loved Young Justice series where she has a prominent role in the Justice League(just like in the comics). Additionally, she’s recurrently played Green Arrow’s love interest in multiple mediums.
What are your thoughts on this latest reveal from NetherRealm studios. Are you excited for this character? Drop a comment down below and let us know. Black Canary follows Damian Wayne in the reveal lineup, making her the 17th if you count Darkseid. At least 9 more characters to go before NetherRealm can claim this as their biggest launch roster.
Injustice 2 releases for PS4 and Xbox One on May 16. For more news as it comes, simply stay tuned to COGconnected. See you in the beta.