Odyssey Coming to Steam Early Access – Science & Adventure Await

Science, Exploration, Adventure, and Seamless Puzzle-Solving

From The Young Socratics comes an adventure like few others, combining careful storytelling and scientific education. But this is not meant to feel like an educational game. Odyssey represents a new trek into gaming and learning that meticulously combines excitement, narrative, and puzzle-solving. You’ll find plenty of mind games as you start on an island taken over by pirates. And all around you lie mysteries, new kinds of questions that need answering. Now that it’s coming to Steam, you can watch the Early Access Trailer below:

“As an explorer in the Caribbean, you chance upon a distressed mayday call from thirteen-year-old Kai Rao – who, along with her family, has been attacked by unscrupulous sailors and are stranded on the Wretched Islands. The sailors believe Kai’s family knows the location of buried treasure on this tropical archipelago, so have sunk their boat to force them to find it.”

In the path through paradise, you, as the explorer, encounter a series of science-themed obstacles. The beauty of Odyssey is that your learning something new and meaninfgul as you solve each puzzle. But what makes the adventure great is that puzzle-solving is not tedious. Despite the fact that you’re practically learning science learned in school, you’ll also understand why without feeling bogged down in your exploration The game is designed with the usual fun in mind, intellectually catering to adults and young adults alike.


Odyssey will be available on Steam Early Access from 23 February, launching at a specially discounted price of $14.99. You can get it then, and we’ll keep you updated as more info comes along. Best wishes in your adventure.

SOURCE: Press Release