Uncharted 4 Survival Mode Brings Coop with New Bonuses for Multiplayer
Today, December 15, 2016, Naughty Dog releases a new Survival Mode for their 2016 hit, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. This arrives as part of a major new update for the game’s multiplayer. Now you and up to two friends can take the field against waves of enemies in increasing difficulties. Very few games are complete without coop buddies desperately fighting the odds, though Uncharted 4 would have been an exception. Battle against 50 waves of enemies, along with epic boss battles, to complete your intensive shooter experience. Watch the in-depth trailer down below:
But an Uncharted 4 Survival mode isn’t all that’s coming with the latest patch. Additionally, we get two new maps; we get to witness the return of five classic weapons, and can customize characters through new vanity items with plenty of color variants. Last, but not least, an all-new King of the Hill game mode. He’re the full list of new additions brought to you by Naughty Dog:
- New Maps: Train Wreck (from Uncharted 2) and Prison
- Returning Classic Weapons: M4 Assault Rifle, PAK-80 Light Machine Gun, Micro 9mm Automatic Pistol, Para 9 Pistol, and the Desert 5 Pistol (Heavy Weapon)
- New Beta Test Playlist Mode: King of the Hill – teams to compete to retain control of a single Hill and earn Victory Points. Respawning restricted when your team controls the Hill
- New Character Skins: 48 new character skins, including new Biker-themed skins
- New Color Customization: Customize any character skin with 25 unique color variants
- New Multiplayer Levels and Rewards: Max rank increased to Level 90 with two new vanity unlocks
- New Challenges: Earn Relics with new Challenges for Multiplayer and Survival
As a bonus, Naughty Dog has apparently been listening to our feedback(The hallmark of an awesome company). Multiplayer is now, overall, more rewarding. No more steep costs for gaming chests, and gameplay items are easier to unlock. This is an added relief if you player Overwatch; now you only have to desperately grind for one game. So today brings another opportunity to kick back and play with some friends. And remember, keep up to date in all the latest with COGconnected. Play on.