The Best Far Cry Ever is Coming to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Today

Far Cry: Blood Dragon Coming to Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Today

Ok, so perhaps we exaggerated a little bit but if you’re at all a fan of the Far Cry series then you’d be hard-pressed not to love the Miami Vice, neon-drenched 80’s inspired, Far Cry: Blood Dragon. First released in April 2013, Blood Dragon jumps onto the Xbox One backwards compatibility wagon today. When we originally reviewed the game we gave it a fairly solid 85 and had this to say;

There isn’t much that the developers at Ubisoft Montreal got wrong in this one. They took everything that made an old summer popcorn flick great and they transcribed it into an interactive feast for the senses. A potty-mouthed blast from start to finish I’d have a hard time believing anyone could hate this game. Do yourself a favour and pick this one up, you’ll be glad you did.

Blood Dragon

We’re probably stating the obvious when we say we’re excited to see this game hit our Xbox One consoles and we really hope you are too. Put in the role of Rex ‘Power’ Colt, a cybernetic super soldier, Blood Dragon is a standalone title that is a messy, sloppy love letter to anyone who grew up watching action flicks in the 80’s. It’s blowing stuff up and toilet humour done right… as if there was ever a wrong way!

Check it out now on the Xbox Store and revel in the 80’s cheesiness alongside one of the single best soundtracks in any modern game ever thanks to Power Glove.