Ubisoft’s The Crew Proves a Popular Games with Gold Promotion
According to Ubisoft CFO Alain Corre the Games with Gold promotion for open-world racer, The Crew proved to be a very popular choice for the month. Over the course of its one month promotion it was downloaded a whopping 3 million times.
If that wasn’t impressive enough, The Crew managed to increase its recurrent player count by upwards of 14,000% which is a pretty solid achievement for a game released nearly 19 months ago. When you do all the math this all adds up to over 8 million registered users across all available platforms and those numbers are certainly impressive enough to have Ubisoft considering either a sequel or more content to the original.
When we first reviewed The Crew we admittedly had some negative things to say with connection issues being a huge problem but as the game received patches, and the Wild Run expansion, many of our past worries were addressed. The visuals were improved and weather effects were added in all adding up to a better experience. With a surge in users this open-world racer becomes pretty tempting to dive into again.