Feast Your Eyes on These Call of Cthulhu Screenshots

Popular Pen/Paper Title “Call Of Cthulhu” Comes To Life With New Screenshots

For those who have an itch for the eldritch, you may want to keep your eyes on Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game. Cyanide Studio, developers of Blood Bowl, are aiming to bring the Cthulhu Mythos to life with their next title.This is the official adaptation of the popular pen and paper RPG from Chaosium, and it looks like attention to detail is key in this case, a very promising sign. Cyanide Studio is aiming to recreate the disturbing atmosphere for the Cthulhu mythos, where players will get to the bottom of a mystery surrounding Cthulhu, the Great Dreamer, and his impending awakening.

Call of Cthulhu

In Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game, you’ll be thrust into the shoes of Edward Pierce. He’s a former war veteran, and serves as a private investigator in 1920’s Boston. Pierce is called upon to investigate the tragically bizarre deaths of Sarah Hawkins and her Family in the disturbingly quiet town known as Darkwater. The screens do an excellent job of giving us that first foreboding feeling, and in a game that focuses on HP Lovecraft’s beloved works, the expectations are high to deliver on a game that at least does a solid job of representing this genre. Cyanide Studio is looking to offer the same oppressive atmosphere that is apparent in all of Lovecraft’s works,and the town of Darkwater may be hiding much more than just a simple murder case. You’ll make use of both stealth, and investigative knowledge to find

The Cthulhu mythos are immensely popular, and their representation is wider than you’d expect. Many games feature plots loosely based off a certain story or two within Lovecraft’s works. Hell, the occasional title may throw a sly reference as well, but full-on, accurate recreations are rare. You can be sure that as more and more information on this title becomes apparent, that COG will be delivering it to you as soon as possible. For more information on this title, you can peep the official website for the game here. You can also check out Cyanide Studio’s website, give them some love on Facebook, or their Twitter, if that’s more your style. Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video Game is slated for release on PC and consoles in 2017.

Source: Press Release