Destiny’s Next Expansion Leaked – Rise of Iron

Rise of Iron, Destiny’s Next Expansion

If some leaked marketing posters are to be believed (and they are) then Destiny’s next expansion will be Rise of Iron. Due out in September, there is an expectation of a full reveal at E3 this year. If we were gamblers our money would be on the Sony Press Briefing on Monday, June 13th.

Destiny's Next Expansion Rise of Iron Leaked Poster

After pictures of the posters popped up on Reddit recently, some sources who have a bit of an inside line to Bungie confirmed to Kotaku (although, we’d still take this info with a grain of salt) that the poster leak is indeed authentic. Details they confirmed were that Rise of Iron would have a new raid, most likely Fallen themed, and will be larger overall that the two DLC packs from year on. With a name like Rise of Iron there’s the obvious connection to the regular PVP event Iron Banner, but details on that are not available. What we do know is that Iron Banner top gun Lord Saladin is the badass on that poster wielding a flaming hammer.

With the release of Destiny 2 pushed forward into 2017 it looks as if the Rise of Iron expansion will fill that fall release slot instead. We’ll keep our ears to the ground for more information as it becomes available.