Flappy Bird Developer Launches New Rage Inducing Game & It’s Free

Flappy Bird Developer Launches Ninja Spinki Challenges!!

Every once in a while an indie developer wins the lottery by somehow managing to create a game that captures the public’s imagination. In 2013, that game was Flappy Bird. This painfully hard endless runner thrust its creator, Dong Nguyen, into an unwanted spotlight. Nguyen ended up pulling the game from Apple and Google’s app stores a few months after release despite its success, because it had become an “addictive product” that was causing him and its players issues. It also allowed him to focus on making more games. With seven titles now behind him, including Swing Copters, Nguyen is back with a new game called Ninja Spinki Challenges!! — and it’s every bit as difficult as you’d expect.

Ninja Spinki Featured Flappy Bird

In Ninja Spinki Challenges, players are confronted with a series of mini-games such as bouncy-cat dodging, shuriken throwing, cannon charging, among other possibilities. Each of the mini-games’ difficulties can be set to one of five levels. If you fail a challenge, you can continue once by watching an advertisement. The game is free, so there are some ads.

Ninja Spinki Challenges starts rather simple, but quickly amps the challenge with consecutive levels with progressively longer time limits to survive.

The game is available on iOS and Android devices.