AMD Unveils the ‘Sulon Q’ VR and AR Headset

AMD has decided to enter the VR headset race with the new Sulon Q, which AMD promotes as a headset that offers a little bit more than the other guys. What is it that sets the Sulon Q apart? Well, for one thing, it blends VR and AR (Augmented Reality) together in one unit, making it the first such product to bring that combination to the masses.

Another unique feature that AMD is betting will resonate with consumers is the fact that the Sulon Q has all of its required hardware built-in to the headset – that’s right, there’s an AMD FX-8800P processor with Radeon R7 graphics, 8GB of memory and a 256GB solid-state drive, all contained at the rear of the device. The upside? With the Sulon Q, everything is self-contained; you won’t need to be tethered to any other consoles, boxes or other base units to make it work.

sulon q

Being essentially a self-contained computer you wear on your head, the unit also has Windows 10 pre-installed. It will also apparently sport 2,560 x 1,440 resolution, putting it well above the resolution of both the Oculus Rift and HTC headsets, both of which have 2,160 x 1,200 resolution.

sulon q

Lastly, AMD feels that developers will like making software for the Sulon Q, because it has the same AMD processor and architecture of most consoles and PCs, so porting even already-created games and applications will be an easy process.

No word yet on price, other vital details, but according to Techradar it will come out in mid-2016. Stay tuned to COGconnected for any updates.