Top Ten PlayStation 4 Games to Watch Out for in 2019

Top Ten PlayStation 4 Games to Watch Out for in 2019

A game console’s only as good as its games, right? Naysayers of the PlayStation 3 were saying that it didn’t have any of the console-exclusive benefits of the Xbox 360 right up until The Last of Us released, and then suddenly it was a different story. The PlayStation 4 has fared better, and because of that, we’re able to share COGconnected’s top ten list of PS4 games to look forward to in the new year through the video below. May our wallets stay strong through this difficult time….

Some of the games, like Kingdom Hearts III, have been the most anticipated games of the decade. Some are relatively new to the gaming scene, like Jump Face, but there are several familiar faces (Devil May Cry 5, Mortal Kombat, Far Cry: New Dawn…) to look forward to the next installment of as well. There’s also a little bit of fear: what if Anthem doesn’t turn out as good as Bioware claims? No matter what the future holds, 2019 is looking like a good year for the PlayStation 4, and I’ll drink to that.


What PlayStation 4 games are you looking forward to this year? Let us know in the comments below.