COGconnected Presents Press X To Podcast – Episode 8
You’ve managed to circumnavigate the sun without even realizing it not once, not twice, but seven times. That can only mean one thing: It’s time for another edition of Press X To Podcast! Join Paul Sullivan, Shawn Petraschuk, and Trevor Houston as they discuss all things gaming in the past week including Paul’s struggle to grade Metal Gear Survive, just what exactly does Super Seducer have in store for gamers? and the highly anticipated Ni No Kuni 2 has already reached gold status!
The guys talk Metal Gear Survive and the severe backlash Konami has faced since removing Kojima, the games ridiculous microtransactions, and Konami’s overall reputation which is quickly tanking. They also look at the obscenely overpriced military skirt from PUBG and how gamers today seem more willing to drop hundreds of dollars for a digital item if it seems rare. With releases coming out this week like PayDay 2 on the Switch, Darkest Dungeon on Xbox One, and Immortal Redneck, the guys discuss porting games between consoles and the analyst who predicts PS5 might not be too far off. All of this, plus a whole lot more including the latest edition of the Press X Perfect List await you below, so give it a listen and let us know what you think of Press X To Podcast: Episode 8 – Mr. Drippy Has Me Shook.
And there you have it; this weeks perfect list – and another episode – are in the bag. What did you think of the latest edition of Press X To Podcast? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below. Not only that, Press X To Podcast now has a Facebook group to join where you can talk to Paul, Shawn, and Trevor about whatever you like, so head on over and check it out.
As always, if you enjoyed the show be sure to like, subscribe, and all that good stuff. You can head on over to the official subscription page to listen on your favorite podcast medium every week, and don’t forget that we are taking in emails about any and all things gaming! Got a burning question or comment you want the guys to address on the air? send it in at
Until next week!