Watch Us Murder People at a Party in our Murderous Pursuits Beta Gameplay Video

Murderous Pursuits Beta Gameplay

Have you ever wondered what a murder mystery video game might be like? What about one where not only are you the prey but a killer as well? developer Blazing Griffin โ€“ the same studio that brought us The Ship โ€“ comes a classy, high society and high stakes game of kill or be killed. Murderous Pursuits takes the stealth genre in a new direction that is quite satisfying, and the accompanying art style comes alive with a distinct โ€œClueโ€ feeling.

While the game is still currently in Beta, we had an opportunity to test out our skills on the field of crimson carpets and upper class, up-turned noses. Murderous Pursuit will see players attempt to kill specific quarry and do so without drawing the attention of the guards or other players. There is no radar, simply a warmer/colder type system. While you are in pursuit of your prey, another player will be in pursuit of you, so its key to act just like every other NPC to blend in. Sound interesting? Check out our gameplay video below!

Murderous Pursuits is the latest game to come from developer Blazing Griffin. Players take on the role of a hired killer whose benefactor โ€“ Mr. X โ€“ has employed to enact sinister deeds of murder most foul. Players will have to blend in with the aristocratic NPCโ€™s by using special hot spots, wandering the stage, and trying to go unnoticed as they track down their quarry and go in for the kill.

The game is heavily invested in the stealth of the deed, making sure other players and the guards donโ€™t witness the heinous act. There are also multiple weapons to be equipped of which using them will earn different bonuses. The slightly cartoony art style and over the top aristocratic glamour makes for a great looking game. With the current trend in 3rd person multiplayer action, this might be the perfect time for a kooky game of cat and mouse.

Murderous Pursuits 1

Murderous Pursuits is currently in Beta and is set to release on Steam, although no official date has been announced. For more information, please check out the games official website.