12 Tense Minutes of Guerrilla Combat in The Division 2 at E3 2018

12 Minutes of The Division 2 in 4K 60FPS

A surprise announcement out of the Ubisoft conference this year, The Division 2 was officially announced alongside some gameplay and cinematic trailers to highlight the changes Ubisoft has made to the game. Improving upon the first game, The Division 2 is set to keep loyal players happy but make the experience more open to new gamers. With a new setting and some new features โ€“ as well as announcements about the future of DLC for The Division 2 โ€“ it seems to be a worthy successor. We went hands on with the game at E3 2018 and bring you some tense guerrilla action, check it out below.

The Division 2 is set in Washington, DC, after a viral outbreak during Black Friday. With a large portion of the population ill, the government going into hiding, and the streets becoming a place of anarchy, players will be tasked with surviving in the destroyed capital as they band together to stay alive. Ubisoft stated that upon completion of the main campaign, players will be able to select a specialty to augment their playstyle and increase the tactical edge teams will have. There is also plans for a number of DLCโ€™s, each adding new storys, areas, and activities to complete that will be absolutely free. Ubisoft has been known for its outlook on games as a service, and whether you love or hate The Division, this is a great way to keep gamers happy.

The Division 2 is set for release on March 15, 2019 on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. What are your thoughts on this third person online sequel? Were you an avid player of the first game? Are you interested in jumping into the second? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below, and for more information on The Division 2, be sure to check out their official website.