Top 5 Sony E3 2016 Press Conference Announcements

Sony E3 Top 5 List

To say that Sony came out at this yearโ€™s E3 with the best presentation is an incredible understatement. Debuting a whole host of new properties and tantalizing the crowds with sequels and gameplay footage โ€“ all scored to a live orchestra โ€“ it was an ever building crescendo of anticipation and fanboy fervor for the entire event. To try and pick out the top five reveals at Sonyโ€™s E3 Press Conference is incredibly difficult, given the constant uproarious elation of the fans as our minds were continually blown each time the lights came up, signaling the premature finale of the latest and greatest title Sony had to offer. But here we are, and weโ€™re going to try our best. Here are the Top Five reveals from the Sony E3 Experience:

5. Final Fantasy XV

Yes the Final Fantasy series is back and more gorgeous than ever. Square Enix has brought that familiar blend of stylish characters and futuristic technology into beautiful natural landscapes with fierce monsters and incredible combat. The trailer was breathtaking, playful, and foreboding all in one. You can already see the deep seeded friendship amongst the trailers four main characters and it feels so natural watching them interact they are instantly lovable. None of them felt over the top or clichรฉd and that instills the player with a genuine good feeling. The series has had a few misses in the past but this is definitely going to be one to remember.

Final Fantasy XV ins2

4. Detroit: Become Human

Not since Heavy Rain have we seen an Interactive Drama with such depth and diversity. The game was already looking stellar as we saw the android Connor confronting the hostage situation, but to learn just how diverse the story will be is mind boggling. Loaded with multiple outcomes, playable characters, and questionable decisions, Detroit: Become Human is a neo-noir title that no two players will experience the same way. With existential and moral questions on what it means to be human, Detroit: Become Human is truly going to be a memorable experience.

Detroit Become Human, Sony at E3 2016

3. Death Stranding

Because how could it not make this list? As soon as Kojima hit the stage it didnโ€™t matter what he was handing us, itโ€™s bound to be phenomenal. We may not have learned much about the title from the reveal trailer but the air was electric around the world as we watched a hauntingly beautiful Norman Reedus in an artistic yet morbid, mind bending place of death and despair not through gore and horror, but the sheer sense of fear and loss which is certain to abound in this title. Death Stranding would have ranked higher on this list if Kojima would have fed us just a little more, but for now we can just sit and wonder to what level of epicness will it reach.

Death Stranding

Click on through to PAGE 2 for the top 2 reveals and some honorable mentions.