Ranking The Top 20 PS4 Exclusive Games of 2017

16. Drawn to Death

Not since Mad World on the Wii have I seen an innovative combat game that managed to keep everything black and white. We all knew that kid in school who would doodle insanely detailed stuff on his homework, well the premise here is the same: a kid has been doodling a series of psychotic and violent characters they invented in their notebook, and now itโ€™s time for them to clash on the page. Rendered as an over the shoulder 3rd person shooter, everything in the game has the look and feel of being sketched on paper and the paper simply coming to life. Even the sky of the field of battle is the back side of a page of notes. The super moves we have seen for this game look over the top and simply fantastic, this will easily be a fan-favorite to sit down and destroy your friends with. Drawn to Death has an M rating that hits almost every advisory warning and that only makes me want it more.

Release Date: 2017

15. MLB The Show 17

MLB is back with the latest and greatest improvements to the franchise. MLB The Show is a highly anticipated sequel for sports gamers and developer San Diego Studio has promised to bring the most realistic experience to fans as possible as well as introduce even more customization options to experiment with. The latest installment in the long running franchise, MLB has only been improving with age and is expected to easily surpass its predecessors this year.

Release Date: March 28, 2017

14. Ace Combat 7

If you were like me, you knew that Ace Combat is a flight simulator series, and your understanding of the games pretty much ended there. Ace Combat 7, however, is enough to start turning heads, even my own. Not only is the game a fantastic looking flight simulator, the trailer is hinting at a potentially serious plot between characters, not to mention the fact this is going to not only be playable for PS4, but also function with the PSVR. A flight simulator of this magnitude and reputation as a VR title would be very impressive for fans of simulations, but casual fans might be overwhelmed and find themselves nose diving more often than not. Still, Ace Combat 7 has made an impact and it is definitely a title to watch out for.

Release Date: 2017

13. Wipeout Omega Collection

What good is racing if you arenโ€™t risking life and limb at every single moment? The Wipeout series is iconic, and a clear rival to Nintendoโ€™s F Zero franchise. Wipeout is a hover car racing series with players traveling at breakneck speeds on intricate, winding tracks aiming for the top spot. Itโ€™s a simple concept but something about the lighting fast vehicles makes it so much more than a simple racing game. The Omega Collection will be Wipeout HD, Fury, and 2048 all with the remastered treatement, getting them ready for 4K and HDR output. If for whatever reason you have not had the opportunity to jump into the Wipeout series, this is absolutely the best way to start. After a solid marathon of Wipeout, driving to work is never going to be the same.

Release Date: Summer 2017

Head over to PAGE 3 for the next games on our listโ€ฆ