Top 10 Most Stunning Female Video Game Characters We Absolutely Love

Quiet From “Metal Gear Solid V”


Quiet is absolutely ridiculous. There is over-the-top and there is over-the-top. When the game was released Quiet was criticized for being oversexualized and for good reason. She openly oozes sex. Regardless of the internet outrage, Quiet is a strong and well-written character. So while her appearance leaves nothing to the imagination, she remains one of the more impressive (in more ways than one) female video game characters to ever grace a video game.

Trip From “Enslaved: Odyssey to the West”

Trip from “Enslaved: Odyssey to the West”

One of the most underrated female video game characters is Trip. This 19-year old farm girl is a true stunner and she`s super smart. While she comes from a wind farming community, the people are known for their expertise in reprogramming old technology. Trip is also extremely skilled at reprogramming. In the game, she uses strength and combat skills to survive. She`s the total package when all is said and done.

Liara T’Soni From “Mass Effect”

Liara T’Soni

Okay, we get it. She`s a blue alien, so how can she possibly make this list. Because she is so damn hot, that`s why. Dr. Liara T’Soni is an asari researcher born on Thessia in 2077, making her 106-years old. Which is barely an adult in asari terms. As one of the potential romance interest for either a male or female Shepard, this blue beauty is a jaw dropper and quite easily makes out top 10.

So what do you think?  Who is your favorite game girl?  Tell us in the comments below.