COG’s Halfway Through 2013 Staff Favorites – Who Needs Bioshock Infinite When You Have Ridiculous Fishing!


The Canadian Online Gamers crew have come together once again in collaboration to share with you our best or perhaps our favorite games of 2013 so far.  Some games may not come as a shock but others will.  Have a look at our list and let us know what you think.  Enjoy!

Tomb Raider

“I might be making the easy or obvious choice but I can honestly say that no game has eaten up my time quite like Tomb Raider has this year. I’ve never even been interested in the franchise over the years which is surprising considering Lara Croft and her large chested form came into being in the prime of my testosterone fueled 20s but for one reason or another the appeal just didn’t grab me. The reboot puts Lara in a bit more of a realistic light and accompanies her with an amazing story and even better gameplay. I can’t lie either, listening to Lara speak quite literally melted my insides. They could not have cast her any better. It’s rare that I play a game and feel I need to explore every nook and cranny not missing a single collectible or hidden treasure. In my eyes this is a prime example of a Triple A title done absolutely right and while there is a bit of room for improvement come sequel time (more tombs please) the dev team should be proud that they put together one of the best gaming experiences available in the first half of 2013.”

– Shawn Petraschuk (CanadianBoarder)

“The Game of the 1/2 Year for me was an easy one when I got down to it. Never having been a huge fan of the previous installments I was pleasantly surprised when I took Tomb Raider for a spin.  It is a game full of action, puzzle solving and exploration. The story, although a bit disbelieving at times, is intriguing. During this slower gaming season you cannot go wrong if you decide o pick up Tomb Raider.”

John Elliott (JohnnyXeo)

“A fantastic blend of action, platforming and problem solving game play elements is outdone by the game’s narrative. Following Lara on her journey from a vulnerable young woman to hardened heroine has been my most enjoyable gaming experience this year to date.”

– Shad Forsyth (Fifty)

Link to Review:

The Last of Us

“Yes, I know what you are thinking.  Nice pick Captain Obvious.  I get it. I am not really going out on a limb here but guess what folks? I really don’t care because The Last of Us was such a good frickin game!  I loved that game – plain and simple.  I pimped it on the forums.  Went on and on and on about it with everyone I ran into at E3.  My love for The Last of Us borders on ridiculousness.  I even became a little offended when people did not enjoy it.  Yes I am looking at you Fifty.  How insane is that!?!  Regardless, my pick for the best game of 2013 so far is The Last of Us as no other game I have played this year had such a profound effect with me.  The story driven narrative was superb and the gameplay managed to mix things up enough to keep me interested.  It was such an intense experience that managed to suck me right in from the moment the prologue wrapped up.  Sure I found some elements frustrating but the positives far outweigh the negatives so for me The Last of Us takes the halftime cake! ”

– Trevor Houston (MRBIGCAT)

“I don’t know if there is a condition used to describe video game withdrawal, but I experienced it while playing The Last of Us. I even got to play it a few days before everyone else, but every minute I wasn’t playing it, all I could think about was when I would be able to pick up my controller again. I gave up hygiene, sleep and my social life for the 16 hours it took me to finish my first playthrough and every second spent in front of my TV with a controller in my hand was absolutely thrilling. I was exhausted when the final frame cut to black, and sat in shock for several minutes afterwards while it sank in that I would never be able to experience it for the first time again. I’ve read hundreds of books and watched thousands of movies and this game is way up there with some of the best creative works I’ve ever experienced. It delivered the best of everything video games offer, and brought a level of humanity and emotion that could stand with the best of Hollywood’s screenwriters. The Last of Us was everything I wanted and more, and although 2013 has been and will continue to be a monstrous year for great titles, nothing short of a nuclear bomb could knock it out of my top spot for this year’s, or decade’s, releases.”

– Alyssa Harrison (allycat_)

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BattleBlock Theater

“Admittedly, the first half of 2013 gaming has been a bit dry for me. There were a few promising titles released earlier this year but many such as SEGA’s Colonial Marines fell flat on its face. There was also Bioshock Infinite, but I just couldn’t get into the game and it fell off my radar quickly.  Other games that came out just had that ‘been there and done that’ feeling.  Noting really captured my imagination.  That is until The Behemoth’s BattleBlock Theater arrived. It is a quirky, bizarre, totally frustrating and highly addictive game. Having loved Castle Crashers I took a chance that Behemoth would deliver yet again.  They did all that and more.  I was hooked from the first level, and after playing it for a day or 2 I felt it was a fantastically diverse and deep title. The control is almost perfect for a platformer.  The zany graphical flair is not only gorgeous it is instantly recognizable. The pace can be insane, but well worth the ride!”

– Frank Naresh (Alucardblack)

Link to Review:

Injustice: Gods Among Us

“There have been numerous amazing games released so far this year, Tomb Raider, Ni No Kuni, and The Last of Us to name a few.  But my favourite game of 2013 so far is Netherealm’s Injustice: Gods Among Us. While I don’t consider myself a fan of DC comics, I am a huge fan of Ed Boons previous work, particularly Mortal Kombat 9, and Injustice did not disappoint. Featuring a fantastic mix of an enjoyable single player campaign, and a fun and addictive multiplayer experience, this game is one that should not be missed! The interactive environments are a nice touch, and the well-rounded cast of heroes and villains are all a blast to play, with their extremely cool super moves…..even the much despised Aquaman kicks some serious ass!.I’m notorious for trading in games frequently, but with so much replay value, and considering how much fun I had playing,  Injustice: Gods Among Us is one that I will be keeping in my collection”

– Jennifer Dingle (xxGENEVIEVExx)

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Borderlands 2 DLC

“For me my go to game for the first half of 2013 is not a full title, but it is the DLC that was released this year for Borderlands 2, a game that I am a big fan off.  The DLC packs are Sir Hammerlocks Big Game Hunt (Jan 2013) and Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep (June 2013).  These two pieces of DLC, when added to the world or Borderlands 2, adds a heap of gameplay, and reinvigorates the desire to hunt for rare loot.  Big Game Hunt was the weaker of the two, as Assault on Dragon Keep is a DLC masterpiece for Borderlands 2.  Sure, some may say that I have chosen two games, and I’d almost agree, if they weren’t add-ons.  Regardless, both of the DLC is available under the Borderlands Season Pass, or you can buy them separately.  They both add new enemies, new stories, new loot, new areas, and hours and hours of new gameplay.  Of course you can play them with friends which makes is even better, cause nothing says fun like a night of cooperative play looking for those rare guns, grenades, or shields.  Gearbox Software is to be commended here, and word on the street is that they are not done with Borderlands 2 DLC yet too.  Boooyaaaa!”

– Kirby Yablonski (The Outcast)

Ridiculous Fishing

“While many gamers are quick to dismiss the iOS platform as a breeding ground for watered-down gameplay and cash-grabbing free-to-play titles, every year there are always a few titles that stand out from the rest of the crowd. This year, that commendation goes to Ridiculous Fishing, by developer Vlambeer. I was originally drawn to Ridiculous Fishing not by its name, but its legacy. Having originally started out as an online flash titled Radical Fishing, the game quickly gained attention after it was shamelessly copied in the form of Ninja Fishing. Still, the two-man team at Vlambeer pushed onward and created a fully-featured iOS title from their original flash prototype. And unlike the game that shamelessly copied them, Ridiculous Fishing is free from clunky controls and in-app purchases. Instead, it’s rounded out by a robust suite of weapons, hours of content, and a catchy soundtrack, all for the low price of $2.99. I could go on and on about Ridiculous Fishing, but I must get back to shooting down hundreds of fish with my akimbo miniguns.”

– Shaan Joshi (KneehighPark)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf

“I can’t say I have had a lot of time spent gaming this year, but I would have to say the best time I have had gaming so far has been on my 3DS with Animal Crossing: New Leaf. I have always been a fan of the series and have played them all from the GameCube version forward but had a tough time really getting into the last version on the Wii. This version, however, has added enough new elements, mainly your new role as town mayor, to really freshen up the gameplay while keeping it familiar enough to make it easy to jump back into.”

– Jordan Pachal (ThreeDJP)

“My pick for this year would be Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS. It’s addicting, fun and relaxing and really appeals to the person who enjoys collecting things and customizing their house and character appearance. The added feature of playing in another player’s town (without wrecking it) and the mini-games really enhances this game while maintaining the traditions that make this series to popular. I also like the fact that this game can be played by everyone and for all ages.” 

– Henry Kokuryo (Ippon)

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Fire Emblem – Awakening

“After last year’s superb XCOM: Enemy Unknown (My vote for Game of the Year last year), I had a strategy game itch to scratch and thank goodness for Nintendo I did not have to wait long into 2013 because Fire Emblem Awakening came out on the 3DS on February 4. Fire Emblem had everything you could want with a turn-based strategy game: difficulty (Permanent death of characters), RPG Elements (leveling up characters and deciding type of characters you want) and a good storyline. This game caused me to constantly charge my 3DS and actually clean the dust off of it because nothing pulled me towards the 3DS like Fire Emblem did.”

– Josh Pellerin (Blizz20)

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“Although blockbusters like The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite may deliver a more impressive overall package, the absurdly stylish and entertaining Guacamelee! is the best thing I’ve played in 2013. With an in depth combo system, challenging platforming, and a dash of comedic genius, it’s a spicy burrito that no PS3/Vita owner should pass up.”

– Paul Sullivan (Paulhammer)

“It’s hard to believe that 2013 is already half-over. Looking back at all the games that had been released over the past six months, it’s easy to give the nod to one of the blockbuster titles. However, we’ve all witnessed the tremendous growth of the indie game scene, and there is one game that left a lasting impression on me: “Guacamelee!” from Toronto-based Drinkbox Studios.  A “Metroidvania”-style game that dives deep into Mexican folklore. From my first time playing it at PAX East, I knew I had to have it. With its bright colors, unique art style, great music, and sense of humour, this game appeals to everyone.  Plus the game gives us old platform junkies a run for our money, because the game is challenging – but not to the point where you will be giving up.  I look forward to seeing more great titles come from this studio!”

– Matt Cullen (Canusky)

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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

“There may have not been a huge number of games release so far this year but there have been a few “Triple A” games hit retail which I’m sure some of my COG colleagues are going to pick.  Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, or Tomb Raider are all great choices. My choice however is something a little different and a game that even to this day I keep thinking of for its unique visual style, hilarious dialogue, entertaining gameplay, and amazingly memorable soundtrack. My choice is Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. Set with an 80’s visual and audio tone, it’s like playing a bad movie from the era, complete with one-liners, neon, and of course, dragons that shoot lasers. For how short the actual game was, it has had a huge lasting appeal for myself and I still catch myself humming the opening tune now and then.”

– Adam Dileva (Variation)

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