10 Things You Need To Know About Fallout 76

4. There’s a Huge, Intriguing Main Quest

According to Bethesda the main questline in Fallout 76 is pegged at around 40 hours, though average players will probably be in the 60-80 hours vicinity. Quests can be tackled either solo or with a group, and Bethesda decided that each team member needs to fulfill the requirements of a quest to complete it. That means there’s no risk of missing information or lore by playing with your pals.

There’s a massive shroud of mystery over Appalachia too, and Bethesda were tight lipped when I grilled them on it. Why is the area so lush? What happened to all the people? Will the map ever be expanded? Are there other vaults to be found? Nobody would spill the beans, and that’s pretty intriguing.

Fallout 76 Greenbrier

5. Random Events Seem Excellent

Random events are always hit and miss in online games. More often than not, the variety is poor and things get very repetitive. The original Destiny haunts me in that sense – no, I do not want to just kill some enemies repeatedly.

Thankfully, the events I saw and heard mentioned sound super diverse. I helped a Mr. Handy deliver a singing telegram in one case, and tried (unsuccessfully) to restart a power plant in another. I was told that there’s a decent variety of PvP focused events too, and the spawn rate made it feel like there was always something going on.

6. Creatures Are Badder and More Diverse

With no NPCs, Bethesda had to crank up the creature meter to 11 in Fallout 76. The usual suspects like feral ghouls and Deathclaws are of course back, but the game pulls heavily from the rich West Virginia folklore with beasts like the Mothman and Flatwoods Monster, and homegrown mutant horrors like the Honeybeast and Scorchbeast. If you’ve been worried about enemy diversity, you probably don’t have to fret.

Fallout 76 Feat