Stephan Adamus

Stephan seriously got into playing videogames after Santa brought him a PS1 and a copy of Final Fantasy VII in 1998. He’s an RPG, Adventure, Action, and Platformer kinda game player, who now collects retro Nintendo and PlayStation games with a mighty passion! He also loves the metal, and hopes to bring a retro review perspective to the COGconnected community.

Search Results For: Stephan Adamus

Earth Defense Force – A Series Retrospective

It’s July 2024 and Earth Defense Force 6 has finally been released! Some people might read the title “Earth Defense Force”, and think it sounds terribly generic. It is an awful title. And even though the series that’s the subject of this article started on the PlayStation 2, there was even a horizontal shmup for the Super Nintendo called “Earth Defense Force” that has no connection. It’s just a generic North American action title. But the series it represents is a hilarious, creative spectacle that I recommend everyone try!