Suit Up and Roll Out: The Top 5 Agents of Mayhem Team Combinations

4. 50 cal. Of Shades (Gat, Hollywood, Braddock)

Agents of Mayhem

These sunglass-wearing agents just so happen to carry very big guns and come from various law enforcement backgrounds (Korean police, American reality TV, Marines) Not as tanky as Brute Force, 50 cal. Of Shades not only has excellent high impact shots among all three agents but they embody the chaotic and destructive nature of Mayhem itself: Gat gets excellent buffs almost any way he can kill someone, Hollywood not only hip-thrust’s grenades at the enemies, his Mayhem is nothing but explosions and gunfire, and Braddock has some devastating special attacks, topped off with her Mayhem ability summoning a ridiculously powerful laser from space. This is an excellent team for dealing with any doomsday device thrown at the city of Seoul, and they are particularly great in close-quarters while destroying a legion base.

5. The Saints (Kingpin, Gat, and Yeti)

Agents of Mayhem

Because how could you not? How can this game be peppered with Saints references and not have a special buff for teaming these three together? Granted Gat never got to know Yeti, but it’s all there. In fact, one particularly great conversation over the comm system has Kingpin ask if Yeti has even been to Stillwater because he seems so familiar. Putting the obvious marketing aside, this team also works incredibly well. Yeti is the definition of a tank: he has the highest hit points of any agent and most of his attacks are designed to clear out multiple enemies at once. Gat is the middle ground, even though he has a high damage output, his medium range and ability to close the gap on enemies is great. And that brings us to Kingpin: He is fast, has decent damage output, specializes in close to medium range, and with the right gadgets he gets some huge damage buffs that makes Kingpin less of an idea man for the first time in the Saints universe. Even if this play style combo doesn’t work for you, it’s fun just for the nostalgia sake of it all.

So that is our list. What team’s have you discovered work best for you? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, or the Comments section below.