Forza Horizon 3: Essential Tips & Tricks To Help You Rule The Road

A Little Checkpoint Cheat For The Win

Many races and events require players to drive through checkpoints (usually two flags affixed to the ground, separated by a distance of two-three car widths) in order to continue. You do not need to drive between the flags to proceed, you can actually race over one of the flags. In fact, as long as your car just barely touches a flag, it’ll count. This means when you’re navigating corners with checkpoints, you can avoid congestion by just sticking to the far left or right of a checkpoint and just graze a checkpoint flag. This trick can help you bypass packs of cars and shave off precious milliseconds!

Forza Horizon 3 Cars July 2016 Top

Don’t Always Listen to Anna

While most races and events have checkpoints, we have yet to encounter a Head to Head race that require you to go through checkpoints. With that in mind, don’t bother following Anna (your navigation system’s) preferred route. Instead, just do a little off-roading and race straight towards the finish line. Computer controlled opponents generally focus on driving on roads, so you should easily beat them with some off-road shortcuts. However, keep in mind that this trick may not be of much use if you pick a car that’s not very suited for off-road adventures.

Championships Are The Best Way to Get Fans

Earning fans is the only way to unlock new Festival locations, new Showcase events and expand existing locations. In our experience, the best way to earn fans is by completing championships. Championships are a collection of three or more events tied together by a common theme. Completing each event will earn you fans, but you’ll also earn an extra bonus amount of fans once the championship is completed. In other words, you’ll earn more fans completing a three event championship, over completing three separate, non-championship events.

Have you got any good tips to share? Tell us in the comments below.

Purchase Forza Horizon 3 on Amazon here.