According to Rumors Battlefield Devs Are Working On a New FPS

First You Had My Curiosity, Now You Have My Attention 

It has been no secret that Battlefield V has not lived up the expectations of fans. It has underperformed severely in terms of sales and has sent a lot of long time Battlefield players packing. Either from poor gameplay or a lack of historical accuracy, Dice revisiting its WWII roots has been a disaster. EA has let its disgruntled fanbase know that a new Battlefield will be on its way in 2021 however, there could be another shooter that is on its way.

battlefield v

Dice LA has just posted a couple of job listings that would suggest that they are working on something that is not Battlefield. Or if it is Battlefield, it is not the one that is going to be wheeled out next year. The job description is showing interest in applicants that have extensive knowledge of military weapons and gear. The person that Dice EA chooses will be someone who is capable of creating  “high quality, realistic characters.”

Dice LA has usually severed as a more of a support group for the main Dice development crew, but it looks like this might be changing. The Battlefield franchise has thrown curve balls at its fans before in games like Battlefield: Hardline. Hardline, took away the military simulation that the series was known for and instead replaced it with cop vs robbers. The title was met with mixed feelings, but it was not unbearable. Perhaps we should be expecting something similar in the future.

Whatever comes of this, EA desperately needs to get its FPS giant back on the map. It was only a few years ago that a large segment of the FPS community thought of Battlefield as a “COD killer.” Something that could not be further from the truth in 2020.
