Big Update Is On the Way For Call of Duty

Infinity Ward Is Teasing What is Coming Next

December 2019 was a huge month for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Last month Call of Duty fans experienced the largest amount of content added to a COD game in history. New maps, game modes, and other features were all part of the update. It felt as though there couldn’t possibly be more additions to Modern Warfare, but it looks as though more stuff is on its way. Infinity Ward has been teasing a new and important update.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer

A fan on Twitter recently received a direct response from the Co-Design Director of Multiplayer Joe Cecot. The message said that the devs were planning something big in terms of updates. What is going to be added or taken out of the game is still yet to be known. But this should be good news for fans who felt that the December DLC pointed Modern Warfare in a bad direction.

This new update is most likely going to address some of the serious technical issues that Call of Duty fans have noticed over the past month. Players glitching out maps, broken respawns, and other annoying problems have reared their ugly heads in light of the massive December DLC push. Hopefully, Modern Warfare can return to the polish that the series is known for.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare was supposed to be a return to what made the series great. For the most part, it did succeed in doing so. However, no game is perfect and COD Modern Warfare has had its fair share of problems post-launch.
