Look At All This Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 Gameplay

Seven Delicious Minutes of Superhero Violence (Courtesy of Game Informer)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is coming pretty dang soon! Game Informer snagged several minutes of gameplay footage, all of which looks like an absolute delight. If you can’t wait until July 19 to see more of this game, this is just perfect.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

So far, it seems like Alliance 3 is drawing on all of Marvel’s big media expeditions of the last decade. The MCU, the Netflix Marvel shows, and even The Inhumans are making appearances on the roster. You can see the influences of these adaptations quite clearly, though these characters aren’t carbon copies or anything.

As far as the actual combat goes, this looks like a natural evolution of the two previous games. There’s flashy moves, crazy combos, and just a dash of customization to mess with. It sounds like throwing mechanics have changed and/or been nixed, but there’s a whole bunch of new game modes and bonuses to play with, which is nice. I’ve definitely said this a thousand times, but hot damn this game looks like a perfect fit for the Nintendo Switch. For a better look at all the crazy comic action, you can check out Game Informer’s gameplay footage below.