Dust And Neon Saddles Up on PlayStation and Xbox Today

Blood, Dust, and Neon

Everyone loves to be a cowboy. Guns, horses, adventure. What isn’t to love? How about being a cowboy in a neon-colored post-apocalypse? You’re in luck, gamers. Today, Rogue Games is happy to announce that their award-winning roguelike twin-stick shooter, Dust and Neon, is now available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Inviting players to a robot-filled old west, the game allows players to take on the role of a gunslinger in a unique looter shooter. Of course, a brand new launch trailer is available for players to get a good look at all the gunslinging action. Furthermore, a press release provides more details on the PlayStation and Xbox releases. 

Dust and Neon cover art

Dust and Neon places players in the dusty boots of a strange gunslinger in a post-apocalyptic old-west. Here, hordes of robots have overrun everything. They seem unstoppable and endless. Of course, that was before you showed up. As the stylish, and totally badass, gunslinger players will fight endless enemies and bosses in intense twin-stick gunfights. Importantly, the game is a roguelite after all, which means you are expected to die. Like a lot. But have no fear, that is how you progress. Players will have access to dozens of new abilities they can unlock and thousands of items and weapons. Shotguns, rifles, revolvers, and more can all be unlocked as players battle their way through the West. 

Of course, players can check out the new launch trailer for a look at the PlayStation and Xbox versions of the game. View the action in the trailer below. 

Dust and Neon is available now on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. So, will you be gunslinging and blasting some bots?