APICO Announces Ocean Update With New Trailer

Beeneath the Waves

It’s time to explore the ocean blue. You know, the perfect place for beekeeping. Of course, in this world, you may find many new bees that may or may not be water resistant. Today, White Thorn Games is happy to announce the newest update for their beekeeping simulator APICO, which is coming to the game in Fall 2023. The update titled What Lies Beeneath, is introducing a whole host of new content for players to explore. An update blog provides more details on the What Lies Beeneath update. Additionally, a new trailer shows off exactly what players can expect from the update. 


APICO allows players to experience a world of beekeeping. Combining resource gathering, biology, and minigames with ideas, players will learn how to maintain healthy hives and happy bees. Interestingly, the game allows players to explore the world, discover entirely new species of bees, breed the bees, and develop new traits. Of course, players will be able to reap the benefits of beekeeping by selling honey and other products that your bees help to create. 

Importantly, the What Lies Beeneath update is bringing a load of new content to the game. For instance, players can look forward to exploring a whole new biome to explore beneath the sea, new quests, a new fishing mechanic, and of course, new bees. Of course, players can check out the new update announcement trailer for a look at what’s coming. View the trailer below. 

APICO is available on PC via SteamPlayStation 4 and 5, and Nintendo Switch. The Ocean Update is releasing in the Fall of 2023.