Sengoku Dynasty Journeying to Early Access in August

A Story of Feudal Japan 

Prepare to enter a time of Japanese history when samurai and shoguns abound. What will you become? Will you rise up and lead people? Or will you simply die a nameless peasant? Today, Superkami Games and Toplitz Productions are happy to announce that their upcoming game, Sengoku Dynasty, is entering Early Access on August 10th. The game is a life sim that blends village building and adventure while allowing players to choose their own path. A press release discusses the game and its Early Access. Additionally, a new teaser trailer gives players a look at the game. 

Sengoku Dynasty

Sengoku Dynasty places players in feudal Japan where they must make their own way through history. Importantly, players begin their lives as simply a peasant with no ties. Of course, this means that players can choose to become a warrior, a monk, a craftsman, a hunter, a great leader, or nothing at all. Furthermore, players are able to build an expansive settlement and explore the surrounding landscape. Importantly, players will need to make choices that ensure the survival of their settlement while balancing exploration.  The world available to players is also vast and open to your exploration with a lot to discover. Additionally, the game is developed with input from Japanese History Experts. 

Of course, players can check out a new teaser trailer for a glimpse of the gameplay. Get a view of this new teaser below. 

Sengoku Dynasty is set for release into Early Access on August 10th. Importantly, players can wish list the game on Steam.