Alan Wake 2 Cosplay Guide Released for Saga Anderson

Dress Up As Your Favorite Federal Agent!

When cosplay comes to mind, a lot of people imagine homemade armor and handcrafted medieval gowns. They don’t all have to be complicated to be accurate though. Remedy Entertainment has released a cosplay guide for Saga Anderson, a character in their upcoming game Alan Wake 2.

Saga Anderson is a brand new character. She and Alan are the two playable heroes. The cosplay guide is pretty basic, but this might be good for someone’s first cosplay.

Alan Wake 2

Saga wears a Nordic sweater with a deer, trees, and mountains knitted in. Find a knitter or a grandmother to make it for you and you’re golden. There are also close-ups of Saga’s hairstyle from the front and sides. Saga has her gun holster strapped to her hip, tucked under her sweater. You can also see the lettering on her FBI jacket… in case you were confused about her occupation.

Alan Wake 2 has some pretty simple designs for the default outfits. The Deluxe Edition comes with some extra cosmetics, which might be a little more exciting to cosplay.

Alan Wake 2 will be coming out October 17th for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

What other characters would you like to see cosplay guides for? Let us know in the comments below.