V Rising Sores To Success As It Sells Over 500,000 Copies

V Rising Sores To Success As It Sells Over 500,000 Copies

Stunlock Studios is an independent video game developer and publisher that released Battlerite and Bloodline Champions in the past. This week, the company released its latest title, V Rising, into early access on PC via Steam. The game was positively received by the gaming community as it combined the best elements of various games and led to an addictive title. Today, Stunlock Studios announced that the game has sold over 500,000 copies. Interested fans can pick up V Rising on Steam at the price of $19.99USD. Fans can also buy the DLC for $39.98USD.

Vampire survival game v rising

Via its official Twitter, the company stated, “It’s official! 500,000 Vampires out there have stepped foot into Vardoran! Thank you all for joining us on this journey!” Furthermore, since its release, Stunlock Studios has confirmed that offline play will be available soon as some players are finding it difficult against others online. The game’s success comes as no surprise to many as the gameplay loop is fun and challenging and the PVP aspect will provide for a ton of opportunities at endgame.

In V Rising, players will enter a vast gothic world where they must master the skills and abilities of their vampire to stay alive in the day and progress in the night. Additionally, players will have the choice of travelling the world alone or with their friends as the game allows for raiding other castles and making touch choices. Castles allow players to craft, personalize their domain and much more.

What are your thoughts on V Rising? Are you interested in its release into early access? Will you be purchasing it soon? What do you think about the game being in early access? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.