Vampyr Has Risen Again With a Free Next-Gen Upgrade

Vampyr Has Risen Once Again

Vampyr has risen from its grave to go after more blood with a free next-gen upgrade that is now live. Along with the upgraded PS5 and Xbox Series X, the PS4 Pro version also gets a boost in performance.

If you donโ€™t know what Vampyr is, here is a quick rundown. In Vampyr, you play as newly-turned Vampyr Dr. Jonathan Reid. As a doctor, you must find a cure to save the cityโ€™s flu-ravaged citizens. As a Vampyr, you are cursed to feed on those you vowed to heal. The game takes place in London, 1918.

You have the choice of fighting your desire to drink blood or fully embracing your new monstrous nature. Who will you feed on to satiate your need for blood? The world reacts to your choices as Vampyr is primarily an adventure game that has you interacting with interesting NPCs as you run a hospital trying to save the city.

Vampyr is a solid game, and I enjoyed my time with it, but I never got around to finishing it as an unfortunate bug ended up corrupting my save file. This new update gives me a reason to jump back in and give it another go.

So, what does this upgrade bring? Then new next-gen update offers 1440p and, most importantly, 60 fps on the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X. The PlayStation 4 Pro and the Series S will also have access to 1440p.

To celebrate this new update, you can buy Vampyr now for 75% off today on the PlayStation, Xbox, and Steam digital stores. If you would rather play on the go, Vampyr is also available on the Switch. For 75% off, Vampyr is an easy recommendation even with my more frustrating experience with it. I enjoyed what I played for around 10 hours before my save got deleted.

Source: Press Release