Steam Deck FAQ Finally Released; Major Device Questions Answered

Some Important Software and Hardware Confirmations in FAQ

The Steam Deck FAQ has finally been released, and with it comes some major hardware and software details.  Not much is known about the Steam Deck – it will use a custom AMD chip, it can be treated like a portable PC, and you will be able to install Windows on it.  However, with the recent FAQ announcement, some questions are at least answered officially by Valve.

Valve Portable Steam Deck

On the hardware side of things, there are a few important confirmations.  First, the Steam Deck does work with VR headsets – which is especially promising, given that Pistol Whip developers received a Steam Deck and were hinting at testing VR their games out.  Docking the Steam Deck will not increase performance, unlike the Nintendo Switch – the Steam Deck will retain full power even in portable mode.  In terms of “haptics” or vibration, there will be two LRA motors under each trackpad.  If you want to use the Deck as the most expensive controller ever, you can also hook it up to your PC as purely a controller.  Finally, the Deck will not support external GPUs.

On the software side, it seems like Valve is adding some important QoL features to their OS ahead of the Steam Deck’s release.  You can have multiple accounts, each with their local games and settings, on your device for family sharing.  In addition, you can run non-Steam games, have multiple OS’s installed on your Steam Deck through multi-booting, and even store an OS on a separate SD card.  This is especially good news for those who were worried that they would have to either install Windows or SteamOS.

What do you think of the details in the Steam Deck FAQ?  Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook. 
