Bless Unleashed Letter Indicates Release Date Delayed And More


The MMORPG genre is one of the most interesting in the industry at the moment, as there are die hard fans that are very much stuck in the vast worlds Elder Scrolls Online, World of Warcraft (retail and classic) and Final Fantasy, but many are looking at new options to burn their time away such as New World and Bless Unleashed. Bless Online is an MMORPG developed by NeoWiz Games that originally launched in 2018 for Founderโ€™s Pack purchasers and for those on Steam. Bless Online is one of the many MMORPGs that adopt a free-to-play business model, with an in-game cash shop that gives players the opportunity to purchase in-game items for cash that may assist them or merely provide cosmetic upgrades. Bless Unleashed is an upcoming MMORPG where players can explore a vast world with allies and forge their destiny as they continue on their journey. The gameโ€™s release was scheduled for 2021 however in a statement by Koven Park, Head of Development for Bless Unleashed PC, it appears that the release on the game has been pushed back.

Bless Unleashed

The release stated that the push back in release was done to ensure the necessary improvements and in-game polishing is complete. Although the release did not state an official date, it did indicate that the studio is aiming at completing the changes in July and have high hopes for a release in the summer season. Apart from the information on the release date, the developers have been hard at work on improving the game since the latest test by making changes to the UI/UX, providing quality of life and in-game guidance improvements and ensuring that there is well-rounded gameplay that creates an immersive environment for the game.

Furthermore, the developers are working to improve the combat system in the game which include drastic combo changes, skill connections, balance adjustments and reworking patterns for seamless, fluid and fun combat.

Are you interested in playing Bless Unleashed? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter and Facebook.