Project Athia, Among Others, Get Release Windows

Now If Only We Knew What to be Excited For

Project Athiaโ€™s one of the biggest upcoming games, but itโ€™s easy to forget that we knowโ€ฆ well, next to nothing about the upcoming game. We know that itโ€™s being built on the Luminous Engine and features a heroine sucked into a fantasy world. Hell, we donโ€™t even know what itโ€™s called โ€“ Project Athia is a working title, albeit one thatโ€™s been used for so long it may as well be the final name. Still, if Sonyโ€™s Press Event is anything to go by, it wonโ€™t be long before we have some answers.

Closing the event with the usual disclaimer, Sony gave release dates โ€“ or, at least, release windows โ€“ for each of the upcoming games that had footage shown off. While only one game โ€“ Returnal โ€“ has a defined release date, with some games โ€“ like Horizon Zero Dawn follow-up Horizon Forbidden West โ€“ only getting a year. Project Athia was among those getting a month of release โ€“ impressive considering, again, we still donโ€™t have so much as a title for a game coming out in twelve months.

The image seems to be official, but there is a caveat โ€“ Eagle-eyed readers might notice that Hitman IIโ€™s release date is set as โ€œJanuray 2021โ€. Usually, something like this would be checked several times before going out to the world, You can see the text at the 10:39 mark in the linked video, and the errorโ€™s still there, so the image hasnโ€™t been edited.

What does this mean? Well, potentially nothing โ€“ even monkeys fall from trees โ€“ but itโ€™s possible that other errors exist as well. Itโ€™s also worth noting that games get delayed all the time โ€“ 2020, after all, saw numerous big releases get pushed back โ€“ so all we know is that Sony have written that the game is due out in January 2022 โ€“ whether or not that date is correct is a different matter.