Phil Spencer Thanks Xbox Employees for a No Outage Christmas

No News Is Good News

There is a saying in behind the scenes work that if no one notices you, you are doing a good job. If you are a stagehand in theater or a VFX technician in a movie or someone that makes sure that cables are connected and redundancies are in place to protect data, no one will think twice about your job because they are preoccupied by the service you are providing. However, if your CGI is bad or data is lost because of you, people will notice you, and thatโ€™s bad. Phil Spencer knows the behind the scenes work that goes on at Xbox and has congratulated the Xbox employees that no one noticed on Christmas Day.

Xbox Series S

On the morning of December 25th, people all over the world were opening up new consoles and downloading day one patches, games, new software, and pushing servers to their limits. However, according to Phil Spencer, there were no outages or trending technical issues for Xbox Live that day. It would be a big bummer for hundreds or thousands of families to be sitting around the TV displaying a โ€œThere is a problem with Xbox Liveโ€ message on Christmas Day. Thanks to Xbox employees, we avoided that.

I mean, the new Xbox consoles have been sold out since they launched, so maybe the lack of hardware out in the wild may have given Xbox Live servers a break too, but the hard work of technicians canโ€™t be overlooked. Xbox Series X and S are out now, but good luck securing one.

Did you get or gift a new console this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below.