Return of the Haunt – Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest Returns Next Week

To Heck and Back

After Borderlands 3’s one year anniversary bringing the second coming of certain mini-events, it seems only natural that we would also see the return of seasonal events. Since it’s October 1st, that means it’s basically Halloween. Last year, Gearbox held its first seasonal event for Borderlands 3 called Bloody Harvest. It included a repeatable mission that sends the Vault Hunters out into the world to bust some ghosts and then into the heart of Heck to defeat Captain Haunt. There were a dozen or so challenges associated with the event unlocking unique rewards, so if you missed out on them last year, Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest is back next week.

Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest

If you were like your ol’ pal Zane last year, you may have grinded out all the challenges and collected all the weapon, ECHO, and character skins, and weapon trinkets. You might pass on it this year, which is fine. The challenges probably won’t reset, but let’s not forget. There have been multiple level cap increases, so you level 50 weapons from Bloody Harvest will need to be replaced if you want to use them on level 67 enemies. This event does have some pretty hecking good gear, so it might be a good idea to run the mission a couple of time.

A year has gone by since the last time we got to run Bloody Harvest, so Gearbox might be added or changing a couple of things. They say that more information will be provided before Bloody Harvest activates again next week. Borderlands 3 is available now for PC, Stadia, Xbox One, and PS4.

Will you be returning to Bloody Harvest or will it be your first time playing it? Let us know in the comments below.