Fantasy Strike Going Free to Play

Also Getting Two New Fighters

Fantasy Strike, the tactical 2D fighting game made by a former Street Fighter dev, is going free to play. Now, prospective players can get immediate access to the gameโ€™s complete fighter roster at zero dollars down! That money has to come from somewhere, though. So what can you pay for, going forward?

Fantasy Strike

First, the free stuff: you get access to all the fighters, Online Casual Play, Online Ranked Play, Practice Mode, and Single Match vs. AI mode. If you put down 20 bucks for the core pack, you get access to Boss Rush, Arcade, Survival, Local VS, and online friend matches. But wait, thereโ€™s more! Specifically, a whole bunch of cosmetic additions!

You can purchase alternate costumes, intro animations, victory animations, and special KO animations. On top of that, thereโ€™s a subscription service you can buy into, that gives you access to Master costumes and the Replay theater. That last thing is apparently a sort of TV channel fully dedicated to fight highlights and whatnot. Again, if none of this appeals to you, you can justโ€ฆ play the game? Honestly it sounds like the core pack is the way to go, but I canโ€™t fathom the dark heart of the most dedicated costume enthusiast. Fantasy Strike is available right now for PC, PS4, and the Nintendo Switch. You can check out our review of the game here.

SOURCE: Press Release