Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X Also Comes With First DLC

The Future Is Cyber

A few weeks ago, Microsoft and CD Projekt Red unveiled their limited edition Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X console. It has a beautiful colour scheme of blue, yellow, black, and metal that we also see in the box art for the game. The controller it comes with is made of red, black, and metal panels with โ€œno futureโ€ carved in the plates. There are only 45,000 of them being sold. It sounds like there are a lot, but with the amount of fans that are going to want them you will not want to sit on this purchase.

Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One X

As if the look and exclusivity were not enough for you to want it, the console also comes with a little bonus for free. According to Microsoft, this limited edition console will come with a code for the first major DLC. This news probably would not be the selling point if someone was on the fence about the bundle, but if you already pre-ordered it or are planning to get it, then this makes the deal even sweeter. Fans that are committed enough to buy the console were probably planning to get the DLC as well, so this will save you $15-$20 ahead of time.

The game obviously is not out yet and we have no idea what this DLC could be or even when it will launch. Though it is nice to know that you will already have this taken care of. Cyberpunk 2077 will be available on September 17th for PC, Xbox One, and PS4.

Are you planning to get this limited edition console? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Microsoft