No Man’s Sky Will Soon Add Living Ships in New Update

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It might be hard to believe, but No Man’s Sky has been out for almost four years. Its initial launch was nothing short of a disaster, but that did not stop developers from sticking to their guns. Through a ton of new patches and updates, No Man’s Sky became the game that it was originally meant to be. It is by no means perfect. But it is a lot better than before. The sheer amount of new content that was added to the game is impressive by any metric. To add to the ever-expanding universe of No Man’s Sky, the devs will be adding living ships in a new update.

No Man's Sky Beyond

The name of the update implies what is going to be added. Organic ships will soon be making their debut. As bizarre as this might be, the introductions of these new meat spaceships are going to mean new missions as well. Giving the player even more things to do. These new ships will have a mind of their own. It is not clear how they will behave but chances are if you attack them or provoke them in any way, you’re going to find yourself in a fight.

New encounters are also going to be added. These encounters are going to be rare events that will occur throughout your travels. Similar to strangers in Skyrim, these interactions could be totally benign or end up being the start of something magnificent. Rare rewards and never before seen NPC’s are all a possibility with the new encounters.

If you enjoy open-world games like Minecraft or Fallout you should seriously take a look at No Man’s Sky. The universe is almost infinite which means you will never run out of things to do and see.
