We Celebrate Valentines Day With Some of the Sweetest Cosplay Couples

Sailor Moon has always held a very special place in my heart and when I came across this cosplay couple portraying Princess/ Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, my heart skipped a beat. If I were to ever cosplay with my significant other, I can only even hope that it would turn out even a fraction as good as these photos!

Cosplay Couple

Serenity is gorgeously cosplayed by Tsuna Midori along with her partner Artemis Matt.

Cosplay Couple

Cosplay Couple


Well, we’ve finally come to the end of our Valentines cosplay couple feature but don’t worry! We will be back again next weekend with another awesome cosplay feature. Who’s your favourite anime or video game couple? If you have a dream couple you’d love to cosplay as or a couple you’d like to see more of, let us know in the comments below!