Christmas is Coming Early
Infinity Ward is not far away from unleashing the most amount of content a Call of Duty game has ever received. All of this new juicy DLC is not going to cost players anything. Infinity Ward was very clear from the start that they would not roll out paywalls and season passes. Activision has just announced that they will be opening the gates for season 1 on December 3rd. Nice and early into the month.
Fans can expect to see a ton of new and old maps added into the game. Old-time classics like Crash and Shipment will soon be back in action. Not to mention a new ground war map and two other originals.
The addition of more maps is something that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare really needs. While the launch maps are far from terrible or unforgivable, they do encourage a lot of bad behavior. Camping is another issue Modern Warfare has been struggling with. However, Infinity Ward has been very diligent about the problem. While campers are never going to go away fully, the issue is much better than it before thanks to a handful of patches.
Other game modes are also being included in this massive DLC event. Infected is making a comeback. Infected has always been a fan favorite. Particularly within private matches. Fan-created modes like Micheal Myers and others are going to be much easier now.
Last but not least is four new Spec Ops missions. These missions are titled Bomb Squad, Grounded, Pitch Black, and Just Reward.
Activision has also announced that there is going to be more stuff on the way later on in the month.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.