Blizzard Wants An Overwatch Character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Overwatch’s Lead Director Would Love If One of the Game’s Characters Were in Smash Ultimate

Blizzard Entertainment vice president and lead Overwatch director Jeff Kaplan told IGN recently that he’d love to see an Overwatch character added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s huge roster of 70-plus fighters.


“To the Smash Brothers team, whatever character you want, we love them all,” Kaplan said. “They’re all our babies, you can have any single one of them. We have 31 to choose from.”

When asked which character he’d pick, Kaplan said he’d want the nimble, charismatic Tracer to appear in the latest Super Smash Bros. game. “Tracer’s our girl, Tracer’s our mascot. She’d be my first choice,” Kaplan said. “There’s a lot of great runners up. I think a lot of people can immediately see Doomfist gameplay applying to Smash, but if it were up to me, I’d like to see Tracer.”

Though there’s been no official announcement or indication that one of Overwatch’s characters will be playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the hero shooter is launching on Nintendo Switch on October 15th. If the port’s successful then maybe Kaplan’s hopes will come closer to becoming a reality?

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