Final Fantasy VII Remake Cover Art Is a Throwback to the Original

Everythingโ€™s Being Remade, Even the Cover

1997โ€™s Final Fantasy VIIโ€™s success made every little bit about it iconic. The characters, the weapons, the music, the cover art. Next yearโ€™s remake has a lot to live up to. Bringing it into the modern age of gaming, no doubt there will be a lot of changes, but Square Enix has to be careful not to deviate too much from what people loved about the original. This is probably why the Final Fantasy VII Remake cover art is what it is, which is also a remake of the original.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Cover Art

The original game cover featured Cloud with his Buster Sword over his shoulder, standing in front of the Shinra Headquarters. The only colour in the image was on Cloud. It made it look like it was in a snowstorm or something. The Remakeโ€™s cover is similar like that; itโ€™s got the white turned way up, but Cloud is very visible and is looking better than ever. The 1997 game was released all at once across three discs, but the Remake will have multiple releases, almost episodic. The 2020 game will only cover the first portion of the game within Midgar. The next logical question is what kind of art will the rest of the parts of the Remake have?

Unfortunately, no one has a clear guess as to what we will see because no one knows how many part the Remake will be comprised of. One can assume that the covers will have different art and will be taken from different scenes from the story like the assault on Midgar or the infamous Aerith death scene. The first part of the Final Fantasy VII Remake will be out on March 3rd, 2020 on PS4.

What should the other cover arts be of? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: Twitter