Doom Movie Still Happening For Some Reason

Coming To A Bargain Blu Ray Bin Near You

Coming this Fall to Blu-Ray bargain bins the world over, it’s Doom: Annihilation! Slated for an October 1st release, this confusing mistake in the making is sure to delight and dishearten fans everywhere. If you’re unsure about why the Doom movie is skipping theaters, the trailer embedded below should clear things up.

Doot Doom Eternal

Honestly the CGI isn’t the worst I’ve ever seen, but that’s the closest to a compliment we’re getting. Soak it in children, this is what happens when you’re too frivolous with your intellectual property. On the other hand, exploding barrels.

Yes, it looks like the creators of the Doom movie are making all the callbacks they can to the actual video games. Beyond the barrels, there are some wacky looking guns (was that the BFG?), dual-wielding pistols, cheesy acting, and a whole lot of hell talk. Also, they use the tagline “it’s not a game anymore” like good god is there a Doom video game franchise within the movie universe? Are you just speaking directly to the audience? I guess you need to make sure we don’t confuse this with a trailer for the upcoming game, which we absolutely will not. Seriously, watch that trailer. At least Doom Eternal looks amazing!