Monster Hunter World: Iceborn Will Be Getting a Beta On PS4

The Beta Will Launch As Early As This Week

Iceborn, the expansion for the wildly successful game Monster Hunter World will be coming out this September. However, PS4 players will be lucky enough to be getting a taste of the game much sooner than that. A beta will be released for PlayStation 4 players.

monster hunter world top

This was announced earlier today by Capcom. The beta is set to be available later this week. Beginning this Friday, June 21st. The beta will not be lasting all that long and will end on Monday, June 24th. So play it while you can. For those who do not have PlayStation Plus will be able to play it the following weekend. This will last from June 28th to July 1st.

Capcom claims that the beta will give the player three different quests to choose from. Each of these quests will come with different levels of difficulty. For players who are new to the game, you will be able to hunt down the Great Jagras. Seasoned players will be fighting a Wyvern Banbaro. And the most experienced veterans of the game will be tasked will slaying the Tigrex. Don’t ask me what any of those creatures are because I don’t know. The beta will also let players use new weapons and consumable items.

The feedback from the beta will hopefully have an impact on the final product. So if you are a passionate fan of this series make sure you test it out and let Capcom know what you think. Betas are only useful is there is useful feedback.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborn is set to officially drop on Xbox One and PS4 on September 6th of this year.

What do you think? Be sure to let us know in comments as well as on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
